Boston's Trinidad style carnival was founded in 1973 by Ken Bonaparte Mitchell.- De original culture warrior K.B.M March 29, 1942 –September 6, 2008. gone, but never be forgotten

Leonard Communication founder - Michael C. Smith:

Leonard Communication was founded in the late 1980 when Michael published Caribbean Voice magazine. In addition to his interest in publishing he is an avid photographer and has been photographing Boston carnival for over 15 years.

He was invited to join the Caribbean American Carnival Association 10 years ago and there he served as the recording secretary and help with the annual operations of the organization.

Since leaving the organization he organized and conducted the first survey on Boston carnival in 2005 and published the results. In addition he also did the first photography exhibition on Boston Carnival entitled Streets of Color. Today he is seeking funding for the bandleaders and is the publisher of Boston Carnival Village magazine and author/webmaster of this web site. -


Contact Us:

Boston Carnival Village - P.O. Box 260285, Boston, MA 02126
Phone: 617.512.7803 - Email:

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